Looking for a new generation…
MadIRC is growing old and needs a new generation of maintainers
MadIRC is growing old and needs a new generation of maintainers
Introduce tor.madirc.net…
A little background to some important changes
A few basics about IRC channels and how to use them…
How to get your NickServ account and protect your nickname
Use our docker image to connect MadIRC with a single line in your terminal
Introduce our public Mumble Server Instance
Servers are not free. We pay money for our network…
Empower your project with Channels on MadIRC
Our new, free bouncer service to stay connected with MadIRC
The oldest community on MadIRC...
Detailed tutorial for setting up hexchat
How to get your NickServ account without deanonymizing yourself
Detailed tutorial how to connect MadIRC using tor
We allow our users to access our services using tor
The basic knowledge for IRC